Arab Security Gulf

  • Displays are delivered per lines, therefore they can be mounted under each other.
    In case of more than one line of display, at calling the next customer the information of the last customer will jump a line lower, while the top line is blinking.
  • The DG05 display can be also used for counter display purpose, as an alternative of DG01.
    At calling, the ticket number is blinking e.g.: for 30 seconds (blinking time can be adjusted in the Q-net software) on the display. The number is shown on the display as long as the CLOSE button on the calling unit has been pushed.
    The additional two characters in green will constantly show the number of the counter as long as the clerk is logged in.
  • The DG05 display is available for Q-net Basic, Basic Plus and Pro systems.
  • Upon request DG05 can be delivered with a buzzer to give sound signal at calling.
  • This unit is designed in the style of the “Glassic” ticket dispensers, it reflects the “Glassic” design elements in order to use both elements in the same system.
  • The DGXX displays are fitting to ticket dispensers in the same design style. (TC10, TC16, TG02, TG03, TG10, TG13,TG14)